This is the very first time I have I have been involved in filmmaking -let alone as interviewer, writer and producer!
In my capacity as The Ambassador of The Gender Centre, I collaborated with film maker Leah Pellinkhof to create a film in partnership with her company Playhead Productions and Queer Screen – Mardi Gras Film Festival and film assistant Grant Kay.
The film comes in six parts which have already been released daily over this week in celebration of Trans Awareness Week or the film can be played as an 11 minute presentation.

It is our vision that the film be shared and used as an educational tool at work, or school or just for you in the future.
The most important thoughts in the Trans Community are voices from the Trans Community, so we must thank the four brave voices of the film who came forward to share their thoughts, hopes and fears Kalypso Finbar, Jules Low, Imogen Brackin and Billee Ward.
Enormous thank you to the director of film maker Leah Pellinkhof whos generosity of spirit enabled her to see my vision and inspired her to create such a beautiful film for the future.
Tomorrow is Transgender Day of Remembrance, it would be a perfect day to share this film – link below: