
Good Bye 2021, and Good Riddance!

This year I’ve decided to be reflective a day earlier than usual, basically because I have the time to sit back and reflect on the year that was 2021.

I am 49. In numerology, astrology and science, the body experiences a seven year cycle, after the seventh year all atoms in the body are replaced and in numerology and astrology our seventh year is the culmination of the last six years and everything we plan and work towards within that seven years comes to fruition. 7 years ago I began studying to become an esteemed trans advocate which I am today – next year will be a year of new beginnings.

My poor body has gone through much change in 2021, I have sprained and fractured my ankle, had a minor heart attack, been to rehab for a past injury, and been diagnosed with Cushings and Diabetes and became morbidly obese, but in the same year all ailments have been medically seen to and I am now better. I have lost 30kg, gone from a dress size 22 to a manageable 14, dropped my sugars to a manageable level, the whites of my eyes have not looked so white in over twenty years, I am grateful to be healthier than I have ever been in many many years.

My personal journey has seen much change, making many new friends and saying a permanent farewell to several friends I thought would be with me forever, but people change and sometimes to move forward we must bid each other farewell. I have connected with some truly incredible people from the Fiji Community, my country of birth which I have always been proud to come from. I consider many of these people my family with our shared heritage and social background we have have a silent understanding of who we are and where we come from, which has helped me become more grounded in the duality of who I am, my heritage Fiji and my home Australia.

After over 35 years of estrangement I have made peace and reconciled with my Dad, much has been seen said and much need not be said. I grew up in a time where there was no technology to help parents understand what transgender was, let alone how to support them. So I will leave that subject there except I now understand family rifts not only hurt ourselves but those around us that love us including our siblings – and future generatiions, and for this reason it was time to forgive and make peace.

Covid-19, Corona, Delta and Omicron has taught me to be resilient and helped me to pivot into new interests, such as a floral crown business which doesn’t do too badly.. who would have thought I would launch a label? Certainly not me. Or that I could possibly lose weight during a lockdown by taking social walks, connecting with friends and learning more about them in 90 minutes than I had in the many years I knew them socially whilst walking my dear canine friend Aggie.

My advocacy has gone from strength to strength culminating in being awarded a Fellowship at The Royal Society for the Arts (RSA) and the new post nominals FRSA, and a win before The Anti Discrimination Board against The Australian changing the way this newspaper reports against transgender children and members of the transgender community going forward into the future. My business Katherine Wolfgramme FRSA – Trans & Gender Diversity Consultant. continues to be relevant and will hopefully flourish again once Covid is behind us.

Financially life was uncertain during 2021 but thanks to my speakers agent Saxton and my floral crown label Katherine Wolfgramme – Handmade and working for POOF DOOF, and some very discreet work as a law clerk I have been able to stay afloat.. and even buy a couple of new Camillas.. ok, I lie, I bought many including the matching capes, robes, clutches, headbands shoes and jewellery – but let’s be honest, I didn’t suffer the hardships and heartaches of transitioning in the early 1990s to end up a drab moth – to end up resembling a glittering Philippine Opera Star is a hard won privilege that I enjoy very much, rude not to..

My thirtieth anniversary of Katherine was canceled on September 1, 2020 due to Corona, so I organised a belated bash for September 1 2021, which was canceled again because of Delta. So perhaps 2025 will be the next big Birthday Bash for Katherine.. I dare not try to organise another belated 30th. All I can say wether I celebrate or not my journey as Katherine has been bloody amazing and I am so glad despite all hardships and barriers that I am truly grateful to be Katherine, my soul and my spirit are one and I am truly so happy to be me.

Fear has ruled 2021, I like everyone else was scared. Terrified of catching Covid, but I’m at peace now that it is possibly inevitable but I shall live so I look to the new year with less fear and more hope for the world and hope that we overcome this terrible plague that has held our world to ransom. If Covid has taught us one thing it has taught us to be kinder to each other. But we need to help The Third World tackle Covid or a new variant will haunt us every year.

We lost many in our community who decided they no longer wished to live and I honour all of them and I hope after living through such personal anguish they have at last found peace in their eternal sleep.

Community means a lot to me, I remain an active and proud and much loved member of the Sydney Gay Community as well as an active member of the Potts Point Community and I am very grateful for this. My role in the Sydney Gay Community becomes ever more maternal as I watch people I love grow as humans to build their own homes, families and become parents or community leaders and fabulous hosts and hostesses, I stand back silently very proud of the good humans they have become with much love in my heart.

Christmas was special this year because I got meet a nephew for the first time and also reconnect with family I haven’t seen since Covid began, reconcile with my Father and meet the beautiful in-laws. Special memories made.

To summarise my year, it has been a year of emotional and physical hardships, but it has been a year of triumph where I have overcome many obstacles including health, forgiveness, social justice and isolation.

It’s certainly been a trip but 2021, you can Fu*k Off now because even though you taught me many lessons I am very glad to see the back of you, you Vicious C*nt.

So with that, I would like to wish one and all a very Happy, Healthy and Fruitful 2022.

With love Katherine 🥰

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